Sunday, March 25, 2012


My blogging has gotten seriously pushed down on the list lately... I really need to make more of an effort to put it back up towards the top.

So much is happening here lately, that by time it's quiet time around here, all I can do is veg.

But that is all changing.

Today, I ordered a juicer. After watching the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, I am taking the plunge and making the commitment to go on a juice cleanse using raw veggies and fruits. I'm starting out with mini goals, and am hoping to go through to 90 days. I need more energy, I still have some residual baby weight and since my doctor pissed in my cheerios and I can't work out, this seems to be a healthy way to jump start my new healthier lifestyle that I am aiming for with my kids.

Actually, the beast is kind of the inspiration. He isn't really a big fan of meat, so we tend to only eat it 2-3 times per week. And whenever I tell someone that my 4 year old doesn't like meat, they look at me like I'm crazy. I, personally, don't think it's that weird. I'm not an idiot, and have researched healthy lifestyles for some time now, so I'm aware that animal protein isn't the best for our human bodies. In fact there are so many scary things associated with milk that it put me off of it for good. Apparently, cow's milk can actually help tumors grown at an accelerated rate. Um. No Thanks.

So, the Monday after Easter, the juicing begins. Technically, I'll be juicing for breakfast and lunch once I get the juicer in a kind of preparation for the juice feast, but come April 9th, it's on like Donkey Kong. And next week I'm finally able to incorporate some light working out into my life, so things should be moving along nicely. Hopefully.

I'm not going to lie... I'm scared crapless. Lots of changes coming my way! Including a new dining room table, new sewing table and new desk... Including a whole new redesigned space to go with it all... Here's hoping it all works out well... Pictures to come!!

Anything to keep busy while the hubs is away!

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