Sunday, October 16, 2011

Holy Cow, it's not 1 am!

Who knew you could blog at the very normal hour of noon?? Not this girl! But apparently, it works.

Then again, the beast is hanging on my arm, trying to crawl in my lap and won't shut up... I remember now why blogging at 1 am is the perfect time in this house. Added to that, I have like maybe 10 minutes before my husband walks in the door, complaining of hunger and shooting down all my ideas for lunch.... Starting this blog right now really doesn't seem like the smartest thing I have ever done. Oh well.

On another note, I just found out JoAnn's is having a moonlit madness sale going on this week, and it's starting today... And I was planning on going today. Hot Diggity Damn, it's going to be a good retail day for me!!! Assuming I can get my stupid cell phone fixed also. My cell phone is quite possibly the crappiest Android ever made. I'm so frustrated with it, in fact, that I am going to Sprint to DOWN-grade my phone back to something basic. I have come to realize that when you cram an ass ton of technology into something so tiny and basic, there's no way it can function properly. That, and Sprint has a phone that says who's messaging you. So when you get a new text it says: "New Message from Drama Queen" or whatever you program the phone number in as. This is my kind of phone. I can be happy all day with a phone where I can program people's names in as however I think of them. And it's super basic. Texting and phone calls. That's all I need. I'm a SAHM for crying out loud. If I need to check my Facebook, I can get up and go to the computer. Unless the View is on. I won't get up then. Or the Chew. Or Biggest Loser. Okay, so that list could really go on, and pretty much embarrass me forever when all my trashy, reality, guilty pleasures come to light. ((I know I can't be the only one who gets excited when Real Housewives of Orange County comes on... If I was, the show would be over!))

Because there really is no purpose to this post... Or any of my posts really... Except to escape the insanity of my home for a few short moments, I'll leave you with this picture of the beast, so you know just what I mean when I call him, the beast.
He's getting ready to throw himself down a slide on his best friend's playground... There's an evil look to his eyes, as if he's waiting for a target to get in place...
And here he is when he's cute and sweet... And extremely dirty... As all boys should be!

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